The law prohibits landlords from threatening to call Immigration and Customs Enforcement and harassing or evicting tenants ...
Johnson and the other mayors defended their immigration policies, saying they have an obligation to protect everyone living ...
An Illinois circuit court judge has ordered Chicago landlords to pay former tenants $80,000 after they threatened to report ...
A couple renting an apartment from Marco Antonio Contreras sued him in 2022 under the Illinois Immigrant Tenant Protection ...
Here's what IndyStar knows so far regarding the arrest of the two Honduran men who were arrested by ICE in Indianapolis.
CHICAGO — Briseida de la Cruz Morales cried when she left her family’s Waukegan home for immigration court Thursday morning and said goodbye to her husband for what she believed would be the ...
A judge ordered a pair of landlords to pay $80,000 to tenants they had threatened to call immigration enforcement on amid a rent dispute in 2020.
An Illinois circuit court judge ordered a Chicago landlord last month to pay $80,000 to former tenants after threatening to ...
U.S. immigration agents are planning a new operation to arrest migrant families with children as part of a nationwide ...