The devil has never been represented so well. Cormac McCarthy must have been having lunch dates with Satan himself to craft the character of Judge Holden in “Blood Meridian.” The book’s premise is the ...
As anyone who knows me can vouch, being in Student Government has been a defining part of my time at the University of Maine. What started as a simple desire to get involved became an unwavering ...
On March 3, The Maine Campus interviewed University of Maine Student Government member, Cynthia Shelmerdine, who recently announced her candidacy for student body vice president. In anticipation of ...
March 3 marks the beginning of the University of Maine Student Government (UMSG) election week. On the ballot this year are the unopposed Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates for the upcoming ...
The University of Maine was established in 1865, a good 160 years ago. The campus has been in Maine for the entirety of its existence, as has the snow every winter. However, they have yet to discover ...
Frigid temperatures and windy weather conditions didn’t stop protesters from voicing their concerns, with some even climbing a mountain of freshly-plowed snow to be better spotted by cars honking in ...
Being a fourth-year student at the University of Maine, I have witnessed a lot of change during my time here. I remember when parking tickets were $30. Now, if you are a student and you park in the ...
In June of 2023, the Maine State Legislature enacted LD 1656, a law that created two student seats on the University of Maine System Board of Trustees (BoT) —one for an undergraduate student and one ...
With this question, Jeffery Hatcher opens his adaptation of the 1950s classic play, “Dial M for Murder,” originally written by Frederick Knotts, and famously put to film by Alfred Hitchcock. The ...
“Today I’m the butcher, tomorrow I might be the cattle.” In this dystopia, people eat people. Grocery stores serve packaged human, and family prayers circle a roasting man on a spit. Nutrition, ...