Have you found this content useful? Use the button above to save it to your profile. The Administrative Burdens Advisory ...
Small or medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) appear to be in the clear from the risk of lenders increasing borrowing costs, after ...
PwC partners in the UK took home 5% less than the previous year, with average distributable profit falling from last year’s ...
The key KPI (key performance indicator) of American Golf CFO Simon Owers ( pictured left) – gross margin vs budget – has become much more important given the current economic environment. Owers notes ...
As founder of NetLedger (now Oracle NetSuite), the world’s first major cloud accounting platform, back in 1998, it’s unsurprising to find Evan ...
I have been asked to check the figures on a directors tax return. The dividend figure has ben overstated by £4k. A payment had been posted to ...
VAT refunds play a vital role in maintaining healthy cash flow for many UK businesses. Knowing how long it typically takes for these refunds to be ...
I've seen various comments made in guidance that inter-spouse transfers made under a formal separation agreement or divorce order are still treated as a ...
Have a client with a FHL that definitely qualified fully in 2022/23. They don't meet the full requirements in 2023/24, but do meet the requirements for ...
Check it out. The majority of responses are that there are no MTDfIT benefits and most think it'll increase costs etc.
A new client has approached us who recently sold a residential property which has been owned for 23 years (June 2001 to June 2024). She was unaware of the ...
Almost a year after landing a £12m ‘Series A’ round [1], payments platform Apron has boosted its balance sheet further by securing a £22m ...