We are asking GPs to take our September survey, which includes questions on recruitment, career intentions and private care.
The RCGP will vote on a ‘scope of practice’ for PAs tomorrow which gives individual practices discretion to determine safe ...
Semaglutide may be an effective treatment for the skin condition hidradenitis suppurative, common in people with obesity, say ...
Exclusive GP partners facing ‘hundreds of thousands of pounds’ in legal costs have issued a warning to practices about the ...
Nearly 1,500 doctors, including GPs, have decided to take partial retirement in the past 10 months, new NHS data has revealed ...
GP specialist in paediatrics Dr David Capehorn explains how to explore the differentials and course of action in a child who ...
One fifth of GPs are using artificial intelligence (AI) in clinical practice, with ChatGPT the most popular tool, a new study ...
The Government has purchased more than 150,000 doses of mpox vaccine with plans to roll out a campaign to eligible group ‘in ...
An ICB has reversed its decision not to fund a training course for GPs, following pressures from the profession.
Health secretary Wes Streeting has said he 'genuinely' wants to 'engage' and 'consult' with the profession on the future of ...
GP practices should be working with complex patients to ‘actively avoid hospital admissions’ this winter, according to NHS ...
The 'supply' of GPs in England has shrunk by almost 3% since 2015, partly driven by male GPs reducing the number of hours ...