The Chabad Center in the Golan Heights, directed by Sholom Ber Hertzel, services many communities and families as well as ...
The family of Mrs. Braindy Naparstek, a beloved mother and grandmother from Crown Heights, gathered for a heartfelt event to ...
Shluchos from across Southern Africa gathered for a groundbreaking event—the region's first-ever overnight Kinus Hashluchos.
Seder Nigunim announces latest release in their lineup of produced and recorded Chabad Nigunim. Enjoy this Chabad classic ...
An individual was arrested on Sunday afternoon after threatening people with a large knife in Crown Heights. An individual ...
Several New York State senators visited Crown Heights on Monday, meeting with the CHJCC to address the topics of Jewish ...
Chai Elul 5784 marks a monumental milestone—300 years since the Ba’al Shem Tov began learning with his spiritual master, ...
A donor who is asking to remain anonymous is pledging to donate a new Mikvah in memory of their mother to a Chabad center and ...
All Crown Heights women are called to come together for an unforgettable evening of prayer in the merit of Eretz Yisroel: The ...
Crown Heights Sports opens registration for its 7th season, continuing to provide a safe, Tznius sports environment that ...
Students of the Dayanus program by Machon Lehoraa Online Smicha, led by Rabbi Nachman Wilhelm, proudly received their Smicha ...
Preschools around the world begin a new school year with strong support from Chabad Early Childhood of the Shluchim Office.