CIRM Announces Recommendations from Strategic Allocation Framework. South San Francisco, CA, September 27, 2024 – The California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM), one ...
Dr. Xianmin Zeng, associate professor at the Buck Institute for Research on Aging answers your questions about Parkinson’s disease and stem cell research. Zeng has a CIRM research grant to develop a ...
HiDef-B8 通过降低成本(300 美元/L)和每周需要更少的通道(1-2 次而不是 3-5 次)来解决扩大生产的问题。 行动机制 HiDef-B8 经过了广泛的经验优化和替代成分筛选,重点是降低成本、保持 iPS 细胞 ...
Members of the public who are listening to the meeting and wish to make a comment will have the opportunity to do so by doing the following: Once we have called for public comment, members of the ...
最近对全基因组染色质相互作用的研究表明,人类基因组被划分为许多自关联的拓扑结构域。 结构域之间的边界序列富含 CTCC 结合因子 (CTCF) 和粘连蛋白复合物的结合位点,暗示这两个因素参与 ...
Members of the public who are listening to the meeting and wish to make a comment will have the opportunity to do so by doing the following: Once we have called for public comment, members of the ...
Members of the public who are listening to the meeting and wish to make a comment will have the opportunity to do so by doing the following: Once we have called for public comment, members of the ...
Meetings of the Grants Review Working Group will be held in a public session format except for the review of individual grant applications which will be conducted in closed session. THE ORDER OF ...
肌肉萎缩是一个与许多疾病和健康状况相关的严重临床问题,影响所有年龄段的人。 肌营养不良症(MD)是一种由基因突变引起的肌肉消耗性疾病。 杜氏肌营养不良症 (DMD) 是最常见的 MD 形式 ...
Yan-Ruide Li, Zachary Spencer Dunn, Gustavo Jr Garcia, Camille Carmona, Yang Zhou, Derek Lee, Jiaji Yu, Jie Huang, Jocelyn T Kim, Vaithilingaraja Arumugaswami, Pin Wang, Lili Yang BACKGROUND: New ...
自从鉴定出负责共济失调毛细血管扩张(A-T)常染色体隐性遗传病的基因(ATM)以来,大多数研究都集中在其对双链DNA断裂的早期识别和反应中的核功能。 ATM 还发挥许多重要的细胞质作用。
公众可以按照上面打印的地址亲自参加本次会议,也可以通过下面列出的选项远程参加。 一旦我们征求公众意见,公众可以通过按 *9 来征求意见,这会将您排入队列以发表意见。 一旦我们点名 ...