Lynch expanded on the dark side of double lives and desire in a small town with the television show “Twin Peaks,” which premiered on ABC in 1990. Originally intended as a miniseries, the show’s ...
The loss of singular talent and visionary filmmaker David Lynch is not only felt in the world of cinema, but music, where he had inextricable in ...
The late director’s best work prioritized puzzles over solutions.
David Lynch directed many scenes throughout his illustrious career that have never left our minds, but these ones stand out.
The actress worked with the late director on four iconic projects: "Blue Velvet," "Wild at Heart," "Inland Empire," and "Twin ...
For the iconic writer-director, who was diagnosed with emphysema before his death last week at 78, cigarettes were more than ...
The director leaves a legacy of albums and musical projects as wonderfully weird as his films. Artists who joined him at ...
His visceral films, which reflect the best and worst of American life, affected viewers in realms both conscious and ...
Just diving into the wild, eccentric world of music written by and for David Lynch? We recommend starting with these five tracks.
Lynch was drawn to the natural light of Los Angeles and, in turn, drew fans to him with his light shown from within.
There’s a sort of evil out there,” says Sheriff Truman in an episode of David Lynch’s iconic TV series, “Twin Peaks.” That ...
The Return,' David Lynch spent the last two decades of his life branching out into painting, music, and other mediums.