FONGAFALE, Tuvalu — Tuvalu and its 11,000 people, who live on nine atolls scattered across the Pacific, are running out of ...
UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres has issued a stark warning about the accelerating rise in sea levels, which threatens ...
Surging sea levels are creating “a rising tide of misery” that threaten the future of nearly a billion people that live in ...
Global mean sea levels have risen faster in the 20th century than in any prior century over the past 3,000 years.
Funafuti, Tuvalu: The Governments of Australia and New Zealand are funding a second phase of the successful Tuvalu Coastal ...
Scientists predict a dramatic increase in flooding events, with some islands facing up to 65 annual flood days by the 2050s.
Under a business-as-usual scenario, Tuvalu could face sea levels rising 27cm and 30cm under a worst-case scenario. The low-lying archipelago has a mean elevation of just 2m above sea level and two of ...
Region faces growing threats to economic viability, even existence; one billion people in low-lying areas vulnerable to storm ...
Many Pacific island nations sit just a few meters above sea level, leaving them at risk of flooding, storm surges and coastal ...
SYDNEY: Within 30 years, sea levels will rise at least 15cm on several Pacific island nations, regardless of what cuts are ...
NASA predicts an 8-inch sea level rise by 2050, affecting Pacific island nations. Flood risks will grow annually.