If offered comparable price and quality, 91% of consumers worldwide would switch brands to one associated with a good cause, according to a recent study by Cone Communications and Echo. Similarly, 92% ...
Although generative artificial programs like ChatGPT look exciting, it can sometimes be difficult to understand what they can do to actually help small businesses. Can they make tasks more efficient ...
Meta is set to overtake linear television next year in total global advertising revenue, according to recent research from WARC. The report was based on WARC’s dataset of advertising and media ...
Fitness/health and productivity mobile apps are the most deleted types of programs from consumers' smartphones, according to recent research from alligatortek. The report was based on data from a ...
Does a logo need to get overhauled every so often to show the brand has a fresh identity? Or should it stay mostly the same to maintain consistency? The answer seems to be that it depends on the brand ...